fitness coach
Choose yourself first; put some work in, be consistent, make changes to your daily habits to create healthier future... I am here to help you along the way.
fitness = LIFESTYLE
my approach
During 15 years of personal athletic experience, working as a certified fitness trainer, swimming coach, and yoga instructor, I have developed my approach to training.

With my clients I focus on teaching and practicing correct lifting techniques. My goal is to give you the tools to be healthier and fitter, you will be. Training process generally involves working with free weights and machines while learning how to enjoy weight lifting safely. As well as working on cardiovascular fitness for all the health benefits. Strenght and conditioning.

I believe there is no one-size-fits-all training styles that suits everyone all the time; the most important thing is to do what brings you joy. I don't just build a training program but I teach you how feel and use your body efficiently. Together, we set your fitness goals, tracking your progress and changing your life to the best.
face to face
location "The Bunker Gym", 69-81 Foveaux st, Surry Hills, Sydney, 2000
online trainings
movement assessment
face to face training
training programs tailored to your goals
nutrition guidance
gym or home workouts
movement assessment
training programs (4 weeks blocks)
ongoing support online, weekly-progress check-in calls
progress check ins (measurements, pictures)
nutrition guidence
1/week - $110
2/week - $100
3/week - $95
1/week - $65
what you can achieve
Mental and physical health connection;
quality life improvement
Better understanding of your own body, better mobility and improved movement patterns in the gym floor and in a daily life.
Do what you thought was impossible.
Build strenght, improve conditioning, mobility and flexibility.
Get the body you've dreamed about, along with achieving the life without pain and discomfort.