jennia klimenkova
Live the life YOU want
my main goal is to help you to
I am licensed practicing psychologist, working with an integrative approach focusing on life coaching. With my clients I use various techniques of classic and regressive psychology, art-therapy and coaching.
set the right priorities
identify core life values
find answers to internal questions
learn to recognise opportunities ans risks
find motivation to build a happy life
what do i work with
helping, supporting, motivating
Understand, accept, and love yourself. Learn how to establish personal boundaries to live your life the way you want; work with emotions, needs and desires. Make the first and crucial steps towards internal and external transformation, allowing personal growth to reach a new level.
Understand how to build relationships including friendships, working and personal relationships. Learn how to build healthy relationships, openly express your feelings and emotions, understand and accept other people.
Crisis situations
Our past plays a great role in the way we live a life today. Old traumas and emotions dictate how you make decisions, act and react. In order to find a way out of situations that emotionally drag us down, we look into your life scenarios and experiences to identify traumas in order to work through them, and set you on a new path to the life you desire. This process is carried out in regressive psychology.
work process
You submit a consultation request with your inquiry, and we schedule our first meeting.
We have a consultation call, discuss the initial request, frequency, payment and plan of work.
During the session, we delve into your situation using different techniques to analyse the cause-and-effect of the problem. We will work with existing emotions and patterns of your behaviour, to create changes in your life.
you will learn techniques to aid you on the path of life
you will be a better version of yourself, creating the life you want and attracting new events, and opportunities that weren't possible before
you will increase your self-esteem while setting personal boundaries. as well as understanding your emotions and feeling better
work results
OFFLINE (Sydney)
  • session duration: 1-1.30 hours
  • session duration: 1-1.30 hours